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*Notice all penalties are per report (after verification) so if 10 members report your site your account will be penalized 10 times. Because it takes time for the member to fill out a report all penalty credits (after the infraction is verified) will be added to the reporting members account.
Members who promote any sites of a pornographic, warez, hatred, negative racial nature or any other offensive or undesirable content either as their main website or via web page links will have their accounts penalized 1000 credits per report.
Sites are limited to no more than one pop-up window and only if the pop-up is not under the members' control. Pop-ups that are determined to be under the members' control will have their accounts penalized 10 credits per report.
Message boxes including add to favorites whether under the members' control or not will have their accounts penalized 10 credits per report.
Sites that cause the frame to be removed will have their accounts penalized 100 credits per report.
Any sites that cause an exit page to appear whether under the members control or not will have their accounts penalized 20 credits per report.
