| How do I change an MX record?
Send a request to our support team via e-mail at Support@FernGullyGraphics.com
Remember these changes take about 24 hours to begin working.
 | How do I transfer my domain?
(For this transaction, make sure to have your Welcome Email ready, it contains the information you need. Please see the Knowledgebase to set up your nameservers)
Network Solutions - go to http://www.networksolutions.com/makechanges/ and enter your domain name. Then select the option to change ISP's.
Domainpeople/Easyhost - go to http://www.easyhost.com/cgi/nph-login.cgi (you will need the password assigned by them when you registered your domains.
OpenSRS - go to http://www.opensrs.org/c.html - you may need to contact the company which registered your domain.
If you do not know who registered your domain, go to http://internic.net/whois.html and enter your domain. Then you will see the registrar.
 | How long does it take to transfer a domain?
Once you have received confirmation of the transfer, the change should be completed within 72 hours.
 | How do I upgrade my account?
Send and e-mail to Billing@FernGullyGraphics.com with all of your account information, please make sure you clearly state your username and password. (This will be used to verify you are the owner of the account. You will need to include all of the following information in your e-mail:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Username
- Password
- E-mail
- Upgrade request
 | How do I change account/payment information?
Send an e-mail to Billing@FernGullyGraphics.com, they will then send you an official form you will need to fill out and send back to us at the following address:
P.O. Box 579257
Modesto, CA 95357-9257
 | How do I cancel my account?
Send an e-mail with your cancellation request at Billing@FernGullyGraphics.com
 | How do I upload my files to my new web site?
See our knowledgebase.
 | I cannot access my site, what do I do?
First, remember, we not only have Technicians in our available 24 hours a day, but we also have monitoring equipment both onsite and offsite. We usually know about a failure before you do. First check and see if our site is accessible, then check and see if you can access other sites, like Yahoo.com if you cannot access your site but can access our site, you may rest assured that we probably are already working on the problem and will have it corrected ASAP. When you send us an e-mail about your site being down, please remember that others may be down as well, and we are putting our resources into fixing the problem so an answer may not be immediate.
 | How do I check e-mail VIA the web?
Go to www.yourdomain.com/up (replace yourdomain.com with your domain name). See our knowledgebase instructions on Web Mail Check.
 | Do you offer SMTP services?
Yes, we do offer this, use your domain name (domain.com) as the SMTP server. Do not use smtp.domain.com, only your domain. We use POPAUTH to control sending of mail, see our knowledgebase article on POPAUTH for help.
 | Can I run CGI Scripts from anywhere?
No, you must run the scripts from within your CGI Bin.
 | What are the folders in my file when I log in and can I delete them?
The folders are set up to work with our systems and FrontPage, SSL, Etc. You should always upload your files into the WWW directory. NEVER DELETE THE FOLDERS. This will delete your entire web site.
 | How do I get SSH access?
Send an e-mail to Billing@FernGullyGraphics.com with your request.
 | Which languages are supported in CGI (e.g. Shell, Perl, Java)?
Shell,JAVA Servlets and Perl are all supported and available. We do not provide technical support for using your scripts, you should contact the software vendor.
 | What future software are you going to support?
We are testing and plan on supporting ASP, Coldfusion.
 | Can I host more than 1 domain on an account?
You can PARK domains on your account, the parked domain will work exactly like the main domain, (i.e. same files will come up, same mail will work). You cannot host another account on your IP number. We allow up to 5 parked domains per IP at no charge.
 | My page does not show up, I see the Coming Soon page, even though I uploaded my site, what is wrong?
Most of the time this happens, you uploaded your site and your main page is index.htm.
Well, our Coming Soon page is named index.html, so the server will look at it instead (the server looks at a file named .html before .htm. How do you fix it? Well, one of two ways, you can go into your file manager in the control panel, or log in using FTP and delete the index.html page (if it is our coming soon page). Then the server will load your page.
Other troubles/fixes for pages/files that don't load:
Browser has cached your page, did you click reload/refresh in your browser?
Did you upload your files into the 'WWW' directory?
If using FrontPage, did you: 1. Make sure you installed FrontPage extensions in the control panel 2. Know, You cannot properly upload a site in FrontPage until your domain is pointing to the server (you can't use your IP number with FrontPage).
Did you name the file correctly in your HTML? A common reason a graphic does not load in a page is that you (or your software) may have named the file "picture.GIF" and your HTML link says "picture.gif" ... Did you notice that the .GIF is capitalized? Always make sure your file names match your code exactly.
Is your domain pointing to our servers yet? Many times a client does not realize they need to transfer their domain to our nameservers for it to see their pages on our server. Go to the InterNIC's Whois page and see what nameservers your domain is pointing to. Is it the ones listed on our Welcome E-mail? If not, you need to make sure you have transferred your domain. If you submitted the transfer, be patient, the change takes up to 72 hours, sometimes longer. Even if Whois shows the domain pointing to our nameservers, it may still not be updated around the world. Check your IP and see if your pages are loading.
 | Do I get a invoice each month? does my billing renew automatically?
Our system will send you an invoice five days before your billing date indicating the date and amount you are charged for your service. As per our terms of service, your account renews each month on or about the same day automatically.
 | My Mail Client is reporting invalid username/passcode when I am checking mail, I thought I was using the correct username and password, now what?
One of the most common reasons for this is the fact that BOTH the username and password for the mailbox are CaSe SeNsiTivE. Make sure you create a mailbox using lower case, or remember what case you used when you set up your mail client.
Other ways to try/Other problems:
If your mail client does not work, try checking mail using the web mail (www.yourdomain.com/up)
If you can check mail there, but not in your mail client, chances are, your mail client is not set up properly. See the knowledgebase for instructions on setting up your mail client.