| Accessing your account via Front Page:
The FrontPage extensions must be installed before you begin to work with Frontpage. If you have not done so already, click on the FrontPage button in your control panel and install the extensions.
You will be asked for a user name and password. The first time you use FP, you will need to enter the FTP/SSH/CP user name and password. Later, you can change the FP password so that it is different from the FTP/SSH/CP password, if desired.
1. After booting Front Page, you will probably be presented the screen below. Click on "Open Existing FrontPage Web" , and then click on "More Webs..."
2. At "Select a Web server of disk location:" put in your domain name You do not need to put in the "www" before it.
3. Click on List Webs to show the FrontPage webs.
4. Choose the sub-web you wish to edit.
Publishing with FrontPage: click "Publish" button.
[When you upload a web to your server with the Microsoft Web Publishing Wizard, your FTP Server is just your domain name. The directory path should be left blank.]
Before following the directions below: Open the Front Page Browser by selecting open from the tool bar and the selecting open folder. The folder would be named after the IP address or what ever address was used to publish the pages to the web. This allows you to work with your page will it is on the Server. Then the security option under tools will no longer be greyed out and you can then select it and proceed with the the directions below:
If you want to restrict access to directories, you have to turn the subdirectories into SubWebs and use FrontPage's access restrictions:
1. Create the subweb by doing File --> New -->FrontPage Web .
2. Select "Import an existing web".
3. Choose a title for your web. Since you can only restrict access to a web that's on the server, be sure you change the path so that it is going to the Internet location. Click ok.
4. It will start the process to make the new web.
5. The Import Web Wizard will come up. Select "From a World Wide Web site". In the location box, put in the path to the specific directory, for example, http://$domain.com/members . This will get only that directory, and not the whole web. Click next.
6. This is where you limit the amount of information you will receive. Unless you know your pages are more extensive than these defaults, just leave it at the default and click next.
7. Click finish and wait a few minutes as the content copies over.
At this point, you have all your information in a new web. Now you can set up the restrictions.
1. In the FrontPage Explorer, click on Tools --> [Security --> ]Permissions...
2. Select "use unique permissions for this web". Click apply at this time.
3. Click on the users tab.
4. Select "only registered users have browse access".
5. Add any users you need, and then click ok.