| Note: Make sure Search Engine is installed in your control panel by clicking Search Engine and Installing WebGlimpse.
There are two ways to get Webglimpse search engine on a site that has already been installed.
1) Create a link to http://domainname/wgindex.html (which opens to the pre-designed search page).
2) To add search to a custom existing page, open http://domainname/wgindex.html and copy the body portion of the html code. Paste it into the target page html markup. The target page must located in the same directory as the original wgindex.html file.
Here is a sample of the HTML markup for the Webglimpse search engine
<table border=5>
<tr><td align=center valign=middle>
<a href="http://glimpse.cs.arizona.edu/webglimpse"><img src=".glimpse-eye.jpg" alt="Webglimpse Logo" align=middle height=34 width=60></A>
<td align=center valign=middle>
<font size=+3>
<a href="http://glimpse.cs.arizona.edu/webglimpse">WebGlimpse</a>
<!-- Admins - local copy pointers have been eliminated as of v1.6. If this bothers you e-mail gberns@tucson.com and complain -->
<tr><td colspan=2 align=center>
<FORM method=get ACTION="/cgi-bin/webglimpse/home/username/domain-www">
Search the full archive: domainname Search
<tr><td colspan=2>
String to search for: <INPUT NAME=query size=30>
<INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE=Submit>
<INPUT NAME=case TYPE=checkbox>Case sensitive
<!-- SPACES -->
<INPUT NAME=whole TYPE=checkbox>Partial match
<!-- SPACES -->
<INPUT NAME=lines TYPE=checkbox>Jump to line
<!-- SPACES -->
<SELECT NAME=errors align=right>
misspellings allowed
Return only files modified within the last <INPUT NAME=age size=5>
Maximum number of files returned:
<SELECT NAME=maxfiles>
<OPTION selected>50
<br>Maximum number of matches per file returned:
<SELECT NAME=maxlines>
<OPTION selected>30
<br>Maximum number of characters output per file:
<INPUT NAME="maxchars" VALUE=10000>
<!-- Admins - remove this line to stop caching next hits -->
<tr><td colspan=2>
<font size=-2>
<a href="http://glimpse.cs.arizona.edu">Glimpse</a> and
<a href="http://glimpse.cs.arizona.edu/webglimpse">WebGlimpse</a>,
Copyright © 1996,
University of Arizona
Be sure to replace domainname, domain, and username with the appropiate entries