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Site Creation Tool

Note: The Site Creation tool cannot be used with FrontPage Extensions

Using the Tool
Use of the Maxpages site tool is simple. Log in to your control panel, click the Site Creation Tool button and then you may:

-Create your web site.

-View your web site before you publish it on the web.

-Publish the site you made to the web.

Site Editor
The Site Editor is the base from which all site maintenance is performed. The main portion of the Site Editor page lists all of your pages along with their descriptions. Initially, only one page exists and its name is Home. To update a page click its name in this display. If you have created two or more pages in addition the the Home page, the page list display allows you to switch between two modes: Show Secondary Pages by Name and Show Secondary Pages by Sequence. A button displayed beneath the heading will toggle the display between the two modes. For more information on sequencing pages see Sequencing Pages. The left site of the page contains the Site Editor Select panel. Entries on the select panel which appear on the far left contain subordinate menu options. These upper options can be opened and closed by clicking them. This allows you to keep the items you are currently working with visible. The subordinate options are described throughout this guide.

The fields at the bottom of this page will appear on all pages of your site. You can make changes to them by clicking on them or using the Site Fields option. This option is displayed on both the Site Editor panel and the Page Editor panel. Editing these fields from the Page Editor will give you a better sense of how they will appear on your pages.

Site Options
The Site Options page is accessed by clicking Site Options on the Site menu of the Site Editor Select panel. Site options are explained in the right-hand panel of the Site Options page. Clicking the box to the left of the option will toggle the option on or off. To update your option choices click update.

Adding a Page
To create a new page click the Create Page option on the Site menu of the Site Editor Select panel. Fill out the Create Page form and click the Create Page button.

The page name can be 1 to 30 characters and must consist of letters, numbers, and spaces. Choose user friendly names since people will see the page names when they visit your site. Long page names are allowed for maximum flexibility. However, long pages names will increase the width of your table of contents display and thereby reduce the amount of space available for your actual page.

The page type you select controls the general presentation of the page as well as the types of fields the page will contain. General Text pages contain either a single text area or a table of up to four text areas each with its own heading. The Home page is a General Text page. Detail Product/Service pages contain a heading, a description area, four product specification fields, and a price field.

Pages can be categorized at creation time. For a more detailed discussion of page categories see the topic entitled Page Categories. If you have created and categorized pages previously, the categories and sub-categories you used will be available for selection using drop down lists labeled Or Select. You may type in new category and sub-category names if you wish. Note, at any time you can use the Categorize Pages option to categorize all your pages at once.

If you wish to copy an existing page, select its name from the drop down list. The name may also be typed in if you prefer.

Deleting Pages
To delete pages click Delete Page(s) from the Site menu of the Site Editor Select panel. You will be presented with a list of all your pages. Page descriptions are shown to aid in selection. The Home page is not shown since Max Pages does not allow the Home page to be deleted. To select a page click the check box to the left of the page name. Any page which has a check in this box will be deleted when the Delete button is pressed. Clicking the Cancel button or the Site Editor button at the top of the page will cancel the delete operation and no pages will be deleted

Categorize Pages
To categorize all the pages of your site at once click Categorize Pages button on the Left side of the Site Editor. You will be presented with a list of all your pages followed by their current category and sub-category values. The Home page is not listed, since it does not have these attributes. For a more detailed discussion of page categories see the topic entitled Page Categories. To change or add a category or sub-category click in or tab to the entry you wish to change and enter the desired value. Clicking the Update button will update your page category information

Image List
To access the image list click Image List on either the Site menu or the Site Fields menu of the Site Editor Select panel. The Image List can also be access from the Page Editor toolbar.

Images can be inserted directly into your text using special codes. You can select up to 26 images from our catalogue of images. The selected images can be displayed on your pages by inserting the ^ character into your text followed by the letter corresponding to the desired image. For instance, the sequence ^A would be replaced by the image associated with Image A. Note, there can be no spaces between the ^ and the A. To change an image selection, simply click it and use the Image Browser to pick a new image.

Upload and Import
Upload/Import is accessed by clicking Upload/Import on the Site menu of the Site Editor Select panel. If you wish to incorporate custom images or other files in your Max Pages site you can use the Upload/Import feature to do this. Once images are uploaded from your PC or imported from elsewhere on the Internet, they can be accessed via the Image List under the category Uploads.

Page Editor
The Page Editor is used to customize individual pages of your site. The left site of the page contains the Page Editor Select panel. Entries on the select panel which appear on the far left contain subordinate menu options. These upper options can be opened and closed by clicking them. This allows you to keep the items of you are currently working with visible. The subordinate options are described throughout this guide.

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