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What is PGP?

PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy, and is a method of encryption you can apply to scripts that run on your web site along with the e-mail you send through it. PGP is software that you buy over the counter or on the web. Using this software, you generate your own PGP encryption “key”. You must do this before you can make use of the PGP option in the Control Panel.

Setting up PGP in the Control Panel

The PGP option in the Control Panel performs two functions:

1.It provides you with instructions for using PGP on the web server on which your site resides, AND
2.It allows you to add or delete your PGP key from that server.

How To Use the PGP Option

From the Control Panel, select the PGP icon. The PGPMail Public Key Management page displays.

Any public keys that you install will be listed under the section PGPMail public key list on subsequent visits to this page.

Follow the instructions on the page for adding your PGPMail public key.

Removing exsisting PGP keys

To remove any existing PGPMail keys, scroll down to the bottom of the screen. Select the desired key from the To remove a PGPMail public key section’s drop-down list, and then click on the Remove button.

Now You Need to Set Up Your Form to Use the 'pgpmail.pl'

The form action line should be

<FORM ACTION = "/cgi-sys/pgpmail.pl" METHOD = "POST">

The 'pgpmail.pl' will do all the programming work for you. You alter the behavior of 'pgpmail.pl' by using hidden fields in your form.

There are three form fields that you must have in your form for PGPMail to work correctly. This is the 'recipient', 'username', and 'keyname' fields.

Field: recipient

Description: This form field allows you to specify to whom you wish for your form results to be mailed. Most likely you will want to configure this option as a hidden form field with a value equal to that of your e-mail address.


<input type=hidden name="recipient" value="your_username@localnet.com">

Field: username

Description: This form field allows you to specify your username in the system. This allows PGPMail to look for the configuration files to encrypt the mail to be sent to you.


<input type=hidden name="username" value="your_username">

Field: keyname

Description: This form field allows you to specify the name of your public key. This will be the public key that PGPMail uses to encrypt your mail. You must possess the private key in order to decrypt the email that is sent.


<input type=hidden name="keyname" value="public_keyname">

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