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Mail Manager

There are two types of email services covered here.

The First is POP3 Accounts. These allow you to send and receive email from a your domain. For example if my domain was "froglegs.com" and my name was "Bob02", I could send and receive email at the address "bob02@froglegs.com".

To add POP3 Accounts, you need to log-in to your control panel and click on the "Mail Manager" Icon. There you can add, delete or change POP and forwarding accounts.

Next you need to set up your email client to receive and send email. This is listed in the knowledgebase article named: Mail Client Set-up

The Second kind of E-Mail account is Mail Forward Accounts. This allows you to use your exsisting email account to recieve and send mail, plus you can also get email from your domain. For example: "bob@froglegs.com" will forward to Bob's home email address which is "bob343@aol.com". He will still send email using his home email address, but can look professional giving out his forwarding email address to customers.

This is also handy if you are going away, and want to check your mail from a remote location. Simply choose a free web based email service like Go-Hip and set up an email box with them. Then you can forward your mail to this mailbox while you are away. When you return, you can remove the forwarding.

To add Mail Forwarding Accounts, simply click on the "Mail Manager" icon in your control panel. There you can add POP accounts and E-Mail forwarding accounts.

Adding a Mailbox (user)

In your control panel:

Click 'Mail Manager'

Here you will see a list of users. Click 'New Address'

You will be prompted to a new User name. This can be anyone. For example, if you choose Bob as the user name, you will create a mailbox for bob@yourdomain.com

Then enter a passcode for the user.
Note: the passcode for e-mail users will not effect the Control Panel or FTP. It can be the same passcode or a different one.

Click the ADD button, and you will see a screen confirming the mail box was added.

This will complete that Add Mailbox process. You will now need to set up your e-mail client to check mail. If you want to forward mail to another mailbox, add an autoresponder, change the passcode to your mailbox. Then you will need to Edit Mailbox (see below)

Edit MailBox

To edit a mailbox, Go in to your Control Panel, Click Mail Manager, Click the name of the user you would like to modify.

Here is a list and breif description of the features you can Edit:

Change Password - This will allow you to change the password for a specific mailbox. This change does not affect other mailboxes or the Control Panel or FTP password.

Delete MailBox - This will delete the mailbox and all the users mail from the system. There is a confirmation page which will verify this before you complete the delete.

Forward email addressed to user@domain.com to the billing mailbox on the domain.com server (default setting) - This will send all mail addressed to the user to their own mailbox on your server. This is the normal setting for mail.

Forward email addressed to user@domain.com to other address(es) within domain.com - This will allow you to have the mail for this user forwarded to another mailbox on your domain. For example, if you want to point mail from bob@yourdomain.com to mary@yourdomain.com.

Forward email addressed to user@domain.com to address(es) outside your domain (e.g. bob@aol.com). - This will forward mail from your mailbox to an account outside our server, such as forwarding mail to gohip.com or hotmail.com , or some users wish to have their mail forwarded to their home e-mail account like aol.com.

Autoresponse for mail to user@domain.com - This will send a reply to anyone who sends an email to this user. An example of this would be, if someone sent you an email, your autoreply (sent to anyone who e-mails you) may say "Thank you for your e-mail. I am out of town and will get back to you on Monday" Keep in mind that all emails to this user will get the autoreply.

Deleting a MailBox

Go into your Control Panel, Click on Mail Manager, Click the name of the user you would like to delete, Click Delete. There will be a screen confirming the change. Note: This will delete all the e-mails in their mailbox permanantly.

Catch All Mailbox

There is always a Default mailbox in your Mail Manager. The default mailbox will collect all mail sent to your domain that is NOT addressed to anyone. For example, if mail is sent to webmaster@yourdomain.com and there is no mailbox set up for webmaster, then the email will forward to the Default mailbox.

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